A. Throughout this website we may request information from the user including but not limited to contact information.

B. We may also collect involuntary information such as your IP address, web browser type and version, and operating system.


The information we collect will be used for internal uses. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise distribute personal information.


We do not support or contribute to spam email in any way. Nobody wants spam email, including us.


We use industry standard 128-bit SSL encryption on sections of this website where sensitive data is transferred. This includes but is not limited to pages where credit card information is collected.


By using this website you agree to our methods of privacy and security.


This is NOT Insurance. It is a discount medical program. This plan is not a Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Care Act. This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c.111M and 956 CMR 5.00. It does not replace COBRA or any other medical insurance program nor is it a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. Cardholders are responsible for paying the discounted cost at the time of service from participating providers. Savings may vary by drug and by pharmacy. A written list of participating providers is available upon request. WellCardRx has no membership fee nor is participation in any organization or purchase of any good or service required to obtain or use WellCardRx. The discount plan organization is Access One Consumer Health, Inc., 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC, 29615, This plan is not available in all states.